
我要投稿 投訴建議


時間:2024-10-28 23:52:56 其他合同范本 我要投稿




英文合同 篇1

  出租方(甲方)lessor (hereinafter referred to as party a) :

  承租方(乙方)lessee (hereinafter referred to as party b) :


  in accordance with relevant chinese laws 、decrees and pertinent rules and regulations,party a and party b have reached an agreement through friendly consultation to conclude the following contract.

  一、物業(yè)地址 location of the premises


  party a will lease to party b the premises and attached facilities all owned by party a itself, which is located at _______________________________________ __________________________ and in good condition for_____________ .

  二、房屋面積 size of the premises


  the registered size of the leased premises is_________square meters (gross size)。

  三、租賃期限 lease term


  the lease term will be from _____(month) _____(day) _______(year) to ________(month) _____(day) _______(year)。 party a will clear the premises and provide it to party b for use before _____(month) _____(day) _______(year)。

  四、租金 rental

  1. 數(shù)額:雙方商定租金為每月人民幣_____________元整, 乙方以___________形式支付給甲方 .

  amount: the rental will be ____________per month. party b will pay the rental to party a in the form of ____________in ________________.

  2. 租金按_____月為壹期支付;第一期租金于_______年_____月_____日以前付清;以后每期租金于每月的______日以前繳納,先付后住(若乙方以匯款形式支付租金,則以匯出日為支付日,匯費由匯出方承擔)。甲方收到租金后予書面簽收。

  payment of rental will be one installment everymonth(s)。 the first installment will be paid before_______(month)______(day)__________(year)。 each successive installment will be paid_____________each month.

  party b will pay the rental before using the premises and attached facilities (in case party b pays the rental in the form of remittance, the date of remitting will be the day of payment and the remittance fee will be borne by

  the remitter.) party a will issue a written receipt after receiving the payment.

  3. 如乙方逾期支付租金超過十天,則每天以月租金的0.5%支付滯納金;如乙方逾期支付租金超過十五天,則視為乙方自動退租,構成違約,甲方有權收回房屋,并追究乙方違約責任。

  n case the rental is more than ten working days overdue, party b will pay 0.5 percent of monthly rental as overdue fine every day, if the rental be paid 15 days overdue, party b will be deemed to have with drawn from the premises and breach the contract. in this situation, party a has the right to take back the premises and take actions against party b's breach.

  五、保證金 deposit

  1. 為確保房屋及其附屬設施之安全與完好,及租賃期內(nèi)相關費用之如期結算,乙方同意于______年_____月_____日前支付給甲方保證金人民幣 _________元整,甲方在收到保證金后予以書面簽收。

  guarantying the safety and good conditions of the premises and attached facilities and account of relevant fees are settled on schedule during the lease term, party b will pay _________to party a as a deposit before _____(month) _____(day) _______(year)。 party a will issue a written receipt after receiving the deposit.

  2. 除合同另有約定外,甲方應于租賃關系消除且乙方遷空、點清并付清所有應付費用后的當天將保證金全額無息退還乙方。

  unless otherwise provided for by this contract, party a will return full amount of the deposit without interest on the day when this contract expires and party b clears the premises and has paid all due rental and other expenses.

  3. 因乙方違反本合同的`規(guī)定而產(chǎn)生的違約金、損壞賠償金和其它相關費用,甲方可在保證金中抵扣,不足部分乙方必須在接到甲方付款通知后十日內(nèi)補足。

  in case party b breaches this contract, party a has right to deduct the default fine, compensation for damage or any other expenses from the deposit . in case the deposit is not sufficient to cover such items, party b should pay the insufficiency within ten days after receiving the written notice of payment from party a.

  六、甲方義務 obligations of party a

  1. 甲方須按時將房屋及附屬設施(詳見附件)交付乙方使用。

  party a will provide the premises and attached facilities (see the appendix of furniture list for detail) on schedule to party b for using.

  2. 房屋設施如因質(zhì)量原因、自然損耗或災害而受到損壞,甲方有修繕并承擔相關費用的責任。

  in case the premise and attached facilities are damaged by quality problems

  , natural damages or disasters, party a will be responsible to repair and pay the relevant expenses.

  3. 甲方應確保出租的房屋享有出租的權利,反之如乙方權益因此遭受損害,甲方應負賠償責任。

  party a will guarantee the lease right of the premises. otherwise, party a will be responsible to compensate party b's losses.

  七、乙方義務 obligations of party b

  1. 乙方應按合同的規(guī)定按時支付定金、租金及保證金。

  party b will pay the rental, the deposit and other expenses on time.

  2. 乙方經(jīng)甲方同意,可在房屋內(nèi)添置設備。租賃期滿后,乙方將添置的設備搬走,并保證不影響房屋的完好及正常使用。

  party b may decorate the premises and add new facilities with party a's approval. when this contract expires, party b may take away the added facilities which are removable without changing the good conditions of the premises for normal use.

  3. 未經(jīng)甲方同意,乙方不得將承租的房屋轉租或分租,并愛護使用該房屋如因乙方過失或過錯致使房屋及設施受損,乙方應承擔賠償責任。

  party b will not transfer the lease of the premises or sublet it without party a's approval and should take good care of the premises. otherwise, party b will be responsible to compensate any damages of the premises and attached facilities caused by its fault and negligence.

  4. 乙方應按本合同規(guī)定合法使用該房屋,不得擅自改變使用性質(zhì)。乙方不得在該房屋內(nèi)存放危險物品。否則,如該房屋及附屬設施因此受損,乙方應承擔全部責任。

  party b will use the premises lawfully according to this contract without changing the nature of the premises and storing hazardous materials in it. otherwise, party b will be responsible for the damages caused by it

  5. 乙方應承擔租賃期內(nèi)的水、電、煤氣、電訊、收視費、等一切因實際使用而產(chǎn)生的費用,并按單如期繳納。

  party b will bear the cost of utilities such as communications, water, electricity, gas, management fee etc. on time during the lease term.

  八、合同終止及解除的規(guī)定 termination and dissolution of the contract

  1. 乙方在租賃期滿后如需退租或續(xù)租,應提前兩個月通知甲方,由雙方另行協(xié)商退租或續(xù)租事宜。在同等條件下乙方享有優(yōu)先續(xù)租權。

  within two months before the contract expires, party b will notify party a if it intends to extend the leasehold. in this situation, two parties will discuss matters over the extension.

  2. 租賃期滿后,乙方應在當天將房屋交還甲方;任何滯留物,如未取得甲方諒解,均視為放棄,任憑甲方處置,乙方?jīng)Q無異議。

  when the lease term expires, party b will return the premises and at

  tached facilities to party a within days. any belongings left in it without party a's previous understanding will be deemed to be abandoned by party b. in this situation, party a has the right to dispose of it and party a will raise no objection.

  3. 本合同一經(jīng)雙方簽字后立即生效;未經(jīng)雙方同意,不得任意終止,如有未盡事宜,甲、乙雙方可另行協(xié)商。

  this contract will be effective after being signed by both parties. any party has no right to terminate this contract without another party's agreement. anything not covered in this contract will be discussed separately by both parties

  九、違約及處理 breach of the contract

  1. 甲、乙雙方任何一方在未征得對方諒解的情況下,不履行本合同規(guī)定條款,導致本合同中途中止,則視為該方違約,雙方同意違約金為人民幣___________元整,若違約金不足彌補無過錯方之損失,則違約方還需就不足部分支付賠償金。

  during the lease term, any party who fails to fulfill any article of this contract without the other party's understanding will be deemed to breach the contract. both parties agree that the default fine will be________________. in case the default fine is not sufficient to cover the loss suffered by the faultless party, the party in breach should pay additional compensation to the other party.

  2. 若雙方在執(zhí)行本合同或與本合同有關的事情時發(fā)生爭議,應首先友好協(xié)商;協(xié)商不成,可向有管轄權的人民法院提起訴訟。本合同一經(jīng)雙方簽字后立即生效;未經(jīng)雙方同意,不得任意終止,如有未盡事宜,甲、乙雙方可另行協(xié)商。

  both parties will solve the disputes arising from execution of the contract or in connection with the contract through friendly consultation. in case the agreement cannot be reached, any party may summit the dispute to the court that has the jurisdiction over the matter.

  十、其他 miscellaneous

  1. 本合同附件是本合同的有效組成部分,與本合同具有同等法律效力。

  any annex is the integral part of this contract. the annex and this contract are equally valid.

  2. 本合同壹式貳份,甲、乙雙方各執(zhí)一份。

  there are 2 originals of this contract. each party will hold 1 original(s)。

  3. 甲、乙雙方如有特殊約定,可在本款另行約定:

  other special terms will be listed bellows:




  party a



  id no









英文合同 篇2

  項目名稱:基于脂質(zhì)分子的思普定30納米顆粒制劑 project name: Lipid-based nanoparticle formulation of SIP30 簽訂時間:20xx-12-25 Signing time:25/12/20xx

  簽訂地點:蘇州晶奇生物納米技術有限公司有限公司 Signing location:JingQi bio-nanotechnology .,LTD

  委托方(甲方):蘇州晶奇生物納米技術有限公司有限公司 consignor:JingQi bio-nanotechnology .,LTD 電話:+86 0512 86860521 Tel:+86 0512 86860521


  Adress:Room327,Bld A2,NO.218 Xinghu Road,BIOBAY, Suzhou,PRC 傳真:+86 -0512-62959488 Fax: +86 -0512-62959488

  受托方(乙方):美國引藥明創(chuàng)藥業(yè)科技有限公司 Consignee: Innovform Therapeutics,LLC

  通訊地址: 116 Research Drive, Bethlehem, PA 18015 USA Adress:116 Research Drive, Bethlehem, PA 18015 USA. 電話:_ 001-609-558-7055 _____ Tel:本合同甲方委托乙方就__基于脂質(zhì)分子的'思普定30納米顆粒制劑項目進行專項技術服務,并支付相應的技術服務報酬。雙方經(jīng)過平等協(xié)商,在真實、充分地表達各自意愿的基礎上,根據(jù)《中華人民共和國合同法》的規(guī)定,達成如下協(xié)議,并由雙方共同恪守。

  JingQi bio-nanotechnology .,LTD entrusts Rutgers University to do experiment of Lipid-based nanoparticle formulation of SIP30 and pay Technical service remuneration. Two parts agree as follows according to the provisions of the contract law of the People's Republic of China , on the

  basis of fully express their will.

  第一條 甲方委托乙方進行技術服務的內(nèi)容如下 The content of the technical service:

  技術服務的內(nèi)容:基于脂質(zhì)分子的思普定30納米顆粒制劑實驗 Content: experiment of Lipid-based nanoparticle formulation of SIP30 第二條 乙方應按下列要求完成技術服務工作

  complete technical services as required

  1. 技術服務地點:美國引藥明創(chuàng)藥業(yè)科技有限公司 Location of technical service:Innovform Therapeutics,LLC 2. 技術服務期限:8個月

  Technical service period:8 months

  第三條 為保證乙方有效進行技術服務工作,甲方應當向乙方提供下列工作條件和協(xié)作事


  JINGQI should offer some working conditions to assure RU could complete the job perfectly

  1. 提供技術資料;

  Provide technical information 2. 提供工作條件; Provide work condition

  第四條 甲方向乙方支付技術服務報酬及支付方式為

  The way that JingQi bio-nanotechnology .,LTD pay for technical services to RU

  1. 技術術服務費由甲方(一次或分期)支付乙方。JingQi bio-nanotechnology pay for it in a time a) 支付乙方$50000美元用于啟動項目

  Innovform will receive $50000 to initiate the project b) 進入臨床研究,支付乙方$100000

  $100000 upon first dosing of each of the products in a clinical trial c) 新藥獲得CFDA批件,支付乙方$200000

  $200000 upon insurance of the new drug certificate from china food and drug

  乙方開戶銀行名稱、地址和賬號為: Bank name, Bank Address and account: 開戶銀行Bank name: Wachovia Bank, NA

  地址Bank Address: 1525 West W.T. Harris BLVD., Charlotte, NC 28288-1151

  帳號 account:2020800009690

  第五條 本合同一式___2_____份,具有同等法律效力。

  This contract is in 2 copies,which own equal force of law.

  第六條 本合同經(jīng)雙方簽字蓋章后生效。

  This contract shall become effective upon the signature and seal of both parties

  蘇州晶奇生物納米技術有限公司有限公司 JingQi bio-nanotechnology .,LTD By:_________________ 簽名(Signature) 姓名:邵瑞杰 Name:Ruijie Shao 職務:CEO Title :CEO 日期:Date:


  Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey By: _______________ 簽名(Signature)

  姓名:Michael L. Chikindas教授 Name : Michael L. Chikindas ,Ph.D. 日期:20xx-11-01 Date:

英文合同 篇3


  出租人LESSOR: ______________

  (以下簡稱甲方Hereafter referred to as “PARTY A”)

  電話Tel:______________ 手機Mobile:______________


  (以下簡稱乙方Hereafter referred to as “PARTY B”)

  通訊地址Mail Add:

  電話Tel: 傳真Fax:

  住客姓名The occupants of the premises will be:


  This lease has been mutual agreed and set up by PARTY A and PARTY B as the following:

  1. 出租物業(yè)The Premises to be leased are described as follows:



  電話Tel: _____條IDD直線, ____ IDD lines

  2 租金Rental:

  2.1租金每月為 元整, 形式支付

  PARTY B shall pay as rent the sum of ; i.e.RMB per month.

  2.2租金包括家具和電器的配置(詳見附件), 供暖費, 物業(yè)管理費、水費,電費,+煤氣費、健身卡、衛(wèi)星收視費。 The Rent includes the Furniture、the Electrical Appliances (see Appendix A), Heating Fee, Management fee,water fee , electricity fee, gas fee,F(xiàn)itness card,Satellite TV service fee.

  2.3租金應在入住前及此后每月的 號前支付。甲方應在收到租金后向乙方開具正式發(fā)票。甲方應每月提前向乙方發(fā)出支付租金的書面通知。

  The first rental shall be paid before moving in and the following rental shall be paid before the th of each succeeding 1 month’ term. PARTY A shall issue to PARTY B official invoice (Fapiao) upon receiving the rental. Party A shall send prior written notice to Party B for monthly rental payment request.


  Rental is payable in Ren Min Bi by check or by bank transfer.

  2.5 在本租約有效期內(nèi),租金不予調(diào)整。

  Rent will not be modified during the term of this Lease Agreement.

  3 押金 Deposit:

  3.1乙方須支付相當于兩個月房租的押金(即RMB ), 以人民幣支票或轉帳形式支付)。甲方應在收到押金后向乙方開具統(tǒng)一收據(jù)。

  A deposit of two (2) months’ equivalent rental (RMB ) shall be paid by PARTY B in RMB by check or by bank transfer. PARTY A shall issue to PARTY B official receipt upon receiving the deposit.


  The deposit shall be refundable in full amount in 10 days after the contract expiration, in same currency and excluding interest thereupon. In case PARTY A delays the refund of the deposit, PARTY A shall pay interest to PARTY B at the rate of 0.04% per day of delay.


  PARTY A shall pay off on time all the bills due. In case there is any loss or unusual damage to the furnishings, contents or the rental premises due to PARTY B’ s reason, PARTY B shall compensate for it.

  4 租期 Lease term:

  乙方租用出租房屋期限為 1 年,即自 年 月 日至 年 月 日。

  From 16 July 20xx to 15 July 20xx for one (1) year.

  5 出租人的責任 PARTY A’s obligation:

  5.1 3甲方聲明及保證甲方為該出租房屋的合法擁有人,有合法地位出租此房屋,并就出租事宜已取得有關方面的`批準。

  PARTY A assures to be the legal owner of the leased premises, to have the necessary legal capacity to lease it, and PARTY A’ action has been ratified by the authorities concerned.


  In case PARTY A sells the premises during the lease which leads to the premises ownership be transferred, PARTY A shall ensure that the said contract will be implemented continuously.

  5.3甲方須按時將清潔狀況良好的出租房屋交付乙方使用,保證在租賃期內(nèi)出租房屋內(nèi)的各項設施能正常使用。 PARTY A shall hand over the said premises to PARTY B on time and assure the said premises will be cleaned and in good status during the lease term.


  PARTY A shall bear the responsibility of the said premises’ normal repairs and maintenance, and pay the cost related. In case the premises or facilities are in bad conditions not due to the reason of PARTY B, PARTY A shall complete the repair work within 24 hours upon receipt of the notice from PARTY B. Otherwise, PARTY B shall have the right to hire any third parties for the repair work at the cost of PARTY A. The cost of repairs to the said premises, if damaged by Force Majeure (such as earthquake, typhoon, flood non-man made fire, etc) reasonable wear and tear or by accidents beyond PARTY B’S control, should also be borne by PARTY A.


  During the lease, PARTY A shall not get in the said premises without PARTY B’S permission if PARTY B has been carrying out the contract normally.

  5.6甲方應督促管理公司向乙方提供足夠的服務,如冷水、熱水、煤氣,電的供應及各種設備的正常工作。 Party A shall direct Property Management Company to provide sufficient and continuous services to Party B, including provision of cold water, hot water, gas and electricity and ensure proper maintenance of equipment therein.

  5.7 房產(chǎn)稅及與租賃有關的所有稅費由甲方承擔。

  Premises tax and other leasing related taxes shall be paid by PARTY A.

  6 承租方的責任 PARTY B’S obligations:

  6.1 乙方申明及保證其在中國擁有合法居留權,并按有關規(guī)定辦理必要的居住登記手續(xù)。

  PARTY B assures to have the legal right of residence in China, and shall complete the residential formalities complying with the local regulations.

  6.2 住客應按時支付電話費含上網(wǎng)費、水電煤氣費。

  The occupant shall pay the telephone bills and internet fee, extra water electricity gas fee on time.

  6.3 乙方只能將出租房屋用做住宅,不得將之用作公司及代表處的注冊地址,亦不可作為公開的辦公室。 The premises are limited for residential use only by PARTY B, and are prohibited from registering as legal address for any company or agency, or using as public office.

  6.4 乙方不得在出租房屋內(nèi)進行違反法律及政府對出租房屋用途有關規(guī)定的行為。

  PARTY B shall not carry in the premises any unlawful or illegal activities which are not allowed according to the leasing regulations from the government.

  6.5 租賃期內(nèi),未經(jīng)甲方書面同意,乙方不得將出租房屋部分或全部轉租他人。

  PARTY B shall not partly or totally sublet the said premises without the written permission from PARTY A.

  6.6 若因乙方使用不當或不合理使用,出租房屋及其內(nèi)的設施出現(xiàn)損壞或發(fā)生故障,乙方應及時聯(lián)絡管理機構或甲方進行維修,并負責有關維修費用.

  The damage of the premises or the fittings that are within the control of PARTY B shall be borne by PARTY B, and PARTY B shall contact the management office or PARTY A instantly.

  6.7 租賃期內(nèi),乙方對出租房屋進行裝修或增加水、電、消防等設施,須經(jīng)甲方同意并經(jīng)有關部門批準,并由甲方執(zhí)行監(jiān)理,所需費用由乙方承擔。雙方解約時,乙方不能移走自行添加的結構性設施,甲方亦不必對上述添加設施進行補償。

  PARTY B, upon written permission of PARTY A, may make additions or alterations dealing with water,

  electricity supply or fire protection, at his own expense, subject to necessary permits or licenses required by the authorities concerned and under the supervision of PARTY A .No structural alterations or additions can be removed from the premises upon the expiration of this contract. No reimbursement for the said additions.

  6.8 乙方有權在墻壁上懸掛畫、圖片或其他裝飾性物品。合同履行期限屆滿或提前解約時,甲方應承擔費用拔掉釘子、粉刷墻壁或使墻壁恢復原狀,并承諾不以此為由扣留乙方的押金。

  PARTY B is entitled to hang pictures, paintings or other decorative articles on the walls. Upon expiration or early termination of the contract, PARTY A shall bear the cost to remove the nails, repaint the wall or restore the wall to the original state, and PARTY A shall not retain PARTY B’S deposit for the reason of doing things above.

  6.9租賃合同期滿的前一個月內(nèi),經(jīng)合理事先書面通知,乙方應允許甲方或其授權人 引領潛在客人參觀在出租房屋。

  During the last month of the contract, after reasonable prior written notice to PARTY B, PARTY A or his nominee shall be allowed to show the said premises to the potential clients.

  6.10 租賃期滿,若甲,乙雙方未達成續(xù)租協(xié)議,乙方應于租期屆滿時或之前遷離出租房屋并將鑰匙及清理干凈的房屋歸還甲方.

  PARTY B shall return the premises in a clean condition to PARTY A (except wear and tear) at the expiration of the contract if there is no renewal thereupon.

  7 提前解約Early termination:


  After six (6) months, Party B may, upon one (1) month advance written notice to Party A, terminate this

  Tenancy Agreement without any liabilities. Under this circumstance, Party A shall return the deposit in full to Party B within ten (10) days after the termination.

  7.2 若因自然界的不可抗力,如火災、洪水、臺風、地震、戰(zhàn)爭等意外損害導致出租房屋無法居住,合同即自動終止,甲、乙雙方互不承擔責任。

  If the said premises are so damaged by force majeure (fire, flood, typhoon, earthquake, war, and etc) that it’s no longer habitable, the contract shall be terminated automatically. Neither PARTY A nor PARTY B shall bear any responsibility to each other.

  8 續(xù)租 Renewal:


  PARTY B retains the priority to renew this lease upon expiration , while one-month prior notice to PARTY A is necessary, and PARTY A shall arrange the signature for the renewal contract.

  9 爭議的解決 Dispute Resolution:

  9.1 本合同適用法律為中華人民共和國相關法律。

  The contract is governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China.


  In case of any dispute arising out of the performance of this Contract, PARTY A and PARTY B shall consult

  together to reach unanimity, otherwise both parties can submit the dispute to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (Beijing) for arbitration.

  10 其他Others:


  The contract is drawn in both Chinese and English versions. Both texts have equal effect.

  10.2 本合同一式二份,甲、乙雙方各執(zhí)一份。

  Two copies of the contract will be drawn and remained in the possession of PARTY A & PARTY B. 10.3本合同自簽定之日起生效。

  The contract shall come into force on the date of signature.


  The appendix is an indivisible part of this contract. Details listed in appendix 1 shall not come into affect until being checked and signed by both PARTY A and PARTY B.

  11 簽章 Signatures and official marks:

  甲方 乙方


  授權代表: 授權代表人:

  Authorized representative: Authorized representative:

  蓋章: 蓋章:

  Seal: Seal:

  日期 日期

  Date : Date :

英文合同 篇4









































