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英語面試情景對話 推薦度:
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-The previous article is about the General Interview.
This is about Internet position.
Let''s go...
Virtual Interview – Internet
Q:What attracted you to this job?
A:I''ve been searching for a while now to find a company that had a business model and corporate philosophy like yours. I am interested in working for a company that provides products and services to the education market. My background is in this field, and my strength is in building relationships and solving problems. I am excited and interested in the idea of developing business relationships through e-commerce.
W:This shows research, a plan of action and intent, and an interest in what the company produces. There is also an indication that past behavior and experience match the needs of the employer. Energy and enthusiasm can be heard in this answer.
Q:What qualities do you think are important to this position?
A:To have a combination of technical and business knowledge and to be very results-oriented. My past record shows that I have those qualities and more. Because of my business acumen and technical know-how, the teams I have managed accomplished outstanding results, including booking more than 50 million dollars in online revenue.
W:By giving specific examples of how you measure against the important qualities, you are letting the interviewer know what value you have to offer.
Q:When have you been most motivated?
A:My first job was in a pre-IPO. I had to undergo some rigorous training to understand the product and customer. At the same time, we were actually working with the customer. It required a lot of self-direction and motivation. I thrived on the whole experience -- the discipline, the planning and the deadlines. It was a pressure cooker, but I got through it.
W:This answer gives a specific time and answers the question directly with full details. In the dotcom world, companies are looking for high-energy people who can demonstrate self-motivation, passion, energy and ability to cope under pressure.
Q:What are your salary expectations?
A:I really need more information about the job before we start to discuss salary. I''d like to postpone that discussion until later. Could you tell me what is budgeted for the position?
W:Postpone the discussion about salary until you have all the facts. You need all the information possible before making a decision. Not only should you consider base salary, but think about other factors that are important to you - benefits, insurance coverage, performance review, variable benefits, travel, training etc.
Q:Why did you leave your last position?
A:I''ve set some goals for myself and my career, and unfortunately I''m at a standstill in my current situation. I have begun to explore options available before I spend too much time in a job where I can''t advance. My goal is to continue to take on new responsibilities and be a key contributor to the success of an online venture.
W:This answer indicates planning and thinking proactively. Sometimes things happen in careers that are out of your control, but, at other times, planning gives you more power over your future.
Q:Do you have any questions? (This is usually asked by the interviewer at the end of the interview.)
A:Yes, I do. Who are your financial backers? Who are the key competitors? Does the company have a plan for the IPO? What would you say is the best thing about your product/service?
W:It''s important that you ask questions. In fact, in some cases they are listening to what you ask or don''t ask. This is your chance to find out what they have to say about the company. You are interviewing them as much as they are interviewing you. Is this the best place for you? Listen to the questions they are asking you and formulate your opinion of them.
Q:Tell me about yourself and your past experience.
A:I have eight years of experience working in the IT industry. For the past two years, I have been working as a project manager for a dotcom. I am also PMI certified. My strengths are my client-relationship management skills, and my leadership ability. I''m looking for a team environment where I can join the excitement of building a company.
W:By emphasising specific examples of knowledge-based skills, transferable skills, and personal traits, you give the interviewer a summary or snapshot of yourself.
Q:What are your strengths and weaknesses?
A:My strength is my flexibility. As director of operations at a startup company, I''ve had to deal with and handle changes and new policies constantly. As far as weaknesses, I really enjoy my work, and sometimes I put in too much time on some projects. But by being aware of my tendency, I have learned to work smarter.
W:This answer gives specific examples of strengths -- not just the skill. One of the most important traits employers are looking for are the ability to be flexible and learn new things as changes arise. The weakness question is handled best by leading with a positive statement, slipping in a negative, and ending on a positive note.
Q:What experience have you had that qualifies you for this position?
A:I have experience working with e-commerce companies on the consulting side. I''ve managed teams and have strong experience with HTML and Java. My communication skills and business acumen are my strengths. I can wear many hats and believe I can bring added value to a team effort.
W:This answer provides the interviewer with a good idea of the experiences and skills you will bring to the position. In addition to technical knowledge, communication and teamwork skills can be critical to most jobs.
Q:How would your boss describe you and your work style?
A:First, she''d say I have a lot of initiative -- I see a big picture and do what has to be done to achieve results. Secondly, that I have business savvy -- I know the business side as well as the technical side. And thirdly, I have a high work ethic -- if I say I''m going to do something, I do it.
W:Not only did the answer give three positives, but it also gave reasons for the answers. By giving more detail, you give the interviewer a better look at how you think others see you and what you think is positive about your work style.
Good luck, every baby!My friends...