- 相關(guān)推薦
Can't get out of the office? Try these tips for a healthier, lessstressful workday.
Desk Push Ups桌上俯臥撐
For upper-body strength: Stand a yard or more away fromyour desk, with your feet together.Place your palms on theedge of the desk a shoulder's width apart. Lower your chest to theedge of the desk, and pushback up. Remember to exhale on the way up. Do 20 times.
The Little Mermaid at Work小美人魚式
For both flexibility and core strength, this is one of the best poses. Sit upright in your chair.Holdyour right wrist over your head with your left hand and pull it, stretching your right side.Heidi saysmake sure to keep your shoulders down as you bend. Hold for 10 seconds. Return touprightposture. Take hold of your left wrist over your head with your right hand and stretchthe otherway. Repeat five times on each side.
Invisible Chair Sit幻椅式
These squats from the chair can be considered as a strengthening exercise. They work best ifyoulower your seat as far as it will go. Stand in front of your chair with your feet a hip's widthapart.Place your hands on your hips and lower your butt until it's just above the seat. Then sitdown asslowly as possible. Do 20 repetitions.
Feet-Up Hamstring Stretch伸展腿筋
To ease the hamstrings, lower back and calf muscles, push your chair away from your deskandput a leg up on the desk. (Ladies, try this on a day you're not wearing a skirt.) Flex yourfoot andlean forward slightly over your leg while keeping your back straight. Hold for 10seconds. Pointyour foot, lean and hold for five seconds. Switch legs and repeat.
Shoulder Spin肩部拉伸訓練
A good move for flexibility. Sit tall in your chair and reach your left hand behind yourback,between your shoulder blades, palm out. Then reach your right hand up toward theceiling, bend itdown, and try to touch your left hand. If you can reach it, great: Hold for 10seconds. If not, grabonto your shirt and keep practicing. Switch arms and repeat.
Sitting Spinal Stretch端坐轉(zhuǎn)體拉伸運動
This enhances both flexibility and muscle strength. Sit tall in your chair, and stretch yourarmstoward the ceiling. Put your left hand on the desk, grab the back of the chair with yourright handand twist to the right. Hold for 10 seconds. Release and raise your arms toward theceiling again.Then repeat the twist going the other way. Hold for 10 seconds.
The Wooden Leg木腿運動
For lower-body strength: Sit in your chair, extend one leg out straight in front of you and holdfortwo seconds. Then raise it up as high as you can, and hold it again for two seconds. Repeatwitheach leg 15 times.
Carpal Tunnel Reliever放松手腕的練習
Carpal tunnel syndrome shouldn't catch up to you if you repeat this simple move everyday.Stand at your desk, and, arms straight, place your palms on the desk with your fingerspointedtoward you. Lower your body slowly until you feel the stretch. Hold for 15 seconds.Repeat asneeded through the day.
Tricep Desk Dips反身下沉練習
This is for upper-body strength. Ladies, this will help the backs of your arms. Place your buttonthe edge of the desk, then place your palms on the edge of the desk on either side ofyou.Keeping your feet together, bend at the elbows and slide forward off of the desk and dipdown afew inches, and then push back up. Dip to where your elbows are bent at 90 degrees.Do this 20times.
The Magic Carpet Ride坐魔毯
This works your core and arms. Sit in your chair with your legs crossed and your feet on theseat.Then place your hands on the armrests, suck in your gut and raise yourself a few inchesabove theseat, using your belly muscles and hands. Hold for 10 to 20 seconds. Rest for 30seconds. Repeatfive times.