
我要投稿 投訴建議


時間:2021-01-17 10:30:51 辦公室英語 我要投稿


  Betwixt and between is how Kirk Girard describes the problems of being a middle manager. “It can feel like purgatory.” As planning manager at Santa Clara County, a local authority in California, he felt he was searching for purpose, “trying to find my role in the organisation”. It led to considerable “gnashing of teeth”.


  不上不下、左右為難就是柯克吉拉德(Kirk Girard)對中層經理面臨的問題的形容。“感覺就像在煉獄一樣。”作為加州圣克拉拉縣(County of Santa Clara)地方政府的一名規(guī)劃經理,他覺得自己正在尋找目標,“試著找到我在組織內的角色定位”。這使他常常沮喪得“咬牙切齒”。

  Behnam Tabrizi, who teaches leadership to mid-level managers including Mr Girard at Stanford University’s Department of Management Science and Engineering, says “middle management” is a depressing title. “It’s perceived as a negative label — as an obstacle and overhead.” Frustrations felt by middle managers may also include a lack of autonomy.

  在斯坦福大學(Stanford University)管理科學與工程系向吉拉德等中層經理教授領導力課程的貝南大不里士(Behnam Tabrizi)表示,“中層管理者”是一個令人壓抑的頭銜。“它被認為是一種負面標簽——是障礙和天花板。”中層經理感受到的挫敗感或許還包括缺少自主權。

  The fictional Bob Slocum in Joseph Heller’s Something Happened embodies middle management misery. Kurt Vonnegut summed up Slocum’s restlessness in his review of the book: “He mourns the missed opportunities of his youth. He is itchy for raises and promotions, even though he despises his company and the jobs he does...He is exhausted. He dreads old age.”

  約瑟夫眠勒(Joseph Heller)的《出了毛病》(Something Happened)一書中虛構的人物鮑勃斯洛克姆(Bob Slocum)便體現了中層管理者的悲慘命運。庫爾特馮內古特(Kurt Vonnegut)在其對這本書的書評中總結了斯洛克姆的如坐針氈:“他為年輕時錯過的機遇感到痛惜。他渴望得到提拔和晉升,但又鄙視自己的公司和他所做的工作……他感到疲憊不堪。他害怕變老。”

  Such characterisations are as enduring as the job itself despite the frequent announcement of its impending death. As technology flattens organisations, so middle managers are deemed dispensable. This year, Zappos, the online shoe retailer, said it would eliminate managers. Its founder, Tony Hsieh, said: “We’re trying to [switch] from a normal hierarchical structure to a system... which enables employees to act more like entrepreneurs and self-direct their work instead of reporting to a manager.”

  盡管有關這類職位瀕臨消失的'宣稱頻頻出現,但這類典型描述就像該職位本身一樣經久不衰。由于技術使組織結構扁平化,中層經理被認為是可有可無的。今年,在線鞋類零售商Zappos表示將取消經理職位。其創(chuàng)始人謝家華(Tony Hsieh)稱:“我們正試圖從常規(guī)的等級結構轉向一種體系……使員工更像是企業(yè)家一樣行動,自己指揮工作,而非向經理匯報。”

  From this standpoint, middle managers are cast as superfluous bureaucrats. It is these roles that can be hit by cuts. A report published in 2011 by the King’s Fund, a UK think-tank, highlighted the “sneering” political rhetoric about the National Health Service’s armies of “faceless bureaucrats”. It found that if anything the NHS was under-managed rather than over-managed, disputing the idea of a sagging middle.

  從這個角度,中層經理被塑造為多余的官僚。正是這樣的角色可能被砍掉。英國智庫機構英皇基金(King's Fund)于2011年公布的報告,突出反駁了政治辭令對英國國民衛(wèi)生服務體系(NHS)“呆板官僚”大軍的“嘲笑”。報告發(fā)現,實際上NHS是管理不足而不是管理過度,這對認為中層管理者松懈不力的觀點提出了質疑。

  With such a war against them it is no wonder that middle managers may be depressed, research by Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health discovered recently. The report challenged the idea that it is those who are at the bottom of the socio-economic ladder that feel the most miserable and anxious. Rather, those in the middle have to absorb the discontent of those below and above, while feeling frustrated that they do not have power to implement change.

  哥倫比亞大學(Columbia University)梅爾曼公共健康學院(Mailman School of Public Health)最近所做的研究發(fā)現,面對這樣一場針對自己的戰(zhàn)爭,就難怪中層經理們會覺得壓抑了。該報告挑戰(zhàn)了一種想法,即處于社會經濟階梯底端的人感覺最痛苦和焦慮。實際上,是那些處于梯子中間位置的人不得不承受來自上層和下層的不滿,同時因無力實現改變而備感沮喪。

  This follows research published in Harvard Business Review last year that said the most unhappy staff were not those “with poor performance ratings or the ones in over their heads — people with inadequate training, education, or experience for the job”. On the contrary, the most miserable of the 320,000 employees interviewed were those “stuck in the middle of everything”. These tended to be people with a degree, with five to 10 years’ tenure at the company, work as mid-level managers and who receive a good (rather than brilliant or terrible) performance rating.

  此前,《哈佛商業(yè)評論》(Harvard Business Review)于去年公布的研究表明,最不開心的員工并非那些“績效評分糟糕或是能力不足的人——培訓、教育背景或工作經驗不足的人”。相反,在受訪的32萬名員工中,最悲慘的是那些“困在所有事情中間”的人。這些人往往都有學位,在公司中任職5至10年,身為中層經理,績效評分為良(不是優(yōu)也不是差)。

  Yet the middle manager title is a catch-all, as Bill Wooldridge, professor and managing director of the Berthiaume Center for Entrepreneurship, University of Massachusetts, notes. “This is a very heterogeneous group. Some have exciting roles.” Most people are actually middle managers if you take that role literally, he says. Though Quy Huy, professor of strategic management at Insead, defines them as “people who are two levels below the CEO and one level above first-line supervisor”.

  不過,正如馬薩諸塞大學(University of Massachusetts)貝爾蒂奧姆企業(yè)中心(Berthiaume Center for Entrepreneurship)的常務董事比爾伍爾德里奇(Bill Wooldridge)教授所指出的那樣,中層經理頭銜是一個總稱。“這是一個非常多樣化的群體。一些人承擔著令人興奮的角色。”他稱,如果你從字面上來理解這個角色,大多數人實際上都是中層經理。歐洲工商管理學院(Insead)戰(zhàn)略管理教授夸伊許伊(Quy Huy)將他們定義為“比CEO低兩級又比一線主管高一級的人”。

  Joan Kingsley, organisational psychotherapist and author of The Fear-Free Organisation: Vital Insights from Neuroscience to Transform your Business Culture, says that age may contribute to the gloom of people in mid-management.

  組織心理治療師瓊金斯利(Joan Kingsley)稱,年齡可能致使中層經理變得陰郁。金斯利著有《沒有恐懼的組織:來自神經科學的企業(yè)文化變革重要啟示》(The Fear-Free Organisation: Vital Insights from Neuroscience to Transform your Business Culture)一書。

  “For those who have not achieved their goals, there is likely to be a crisis of confidence; fears that it’s too late; that they have missed the boat. This is not surprising given that organisations value youth, energy and enthusiasm.”


  She notes the problems with moving up the organisational ladder. “People typically move... on output and delivery to the bottom line. But the higher people climb, the more distanced they become from the work they’ve excelled at.”


  The problem is that managers who are identified and promoted for doing a great job are then expected to delegate to other people. The result is often that managers rarely possess the skills and expertise to run a team. “They fear letting their bosses know that they’re in over their heads.” The best strategy may be to retain — or develop — a specialism alongside managerial skills.


  She observes that a manager left to chance and guesswork might use the “quick and dirty route” to manage and motivate people, through the blunt tool of fear. “The trouble is, however, that nothing demotivates someone faster than fear. As fear takes hold of a team or department, people move from thriving to surviving. The manager is left being the object of loathing. And this leaves the manager in a lonely place where he or she is avoided, disliked and not trusted. That’s a depressing place to be.”


  Job satisfaction, notes Prof Wool , is dependent on the relationships with those you manage. “If they are innovative it’s exciting.”


  Gianpiero Petriglieri, associate professor of organisational behaviour at Insead, wrote a riposte in the HBR to Zappos’ efforts to kill the management role. The consequence, he argues, is “people work harder, and control gets more pervasive once it is exercised by everyone rather than by one boss. Issues have to be sorted out rather than delegated up.”

  歐洲工商管理學院的組織行為學副教授詹皮埃羅簠靟里利埃里(Gianpiero Petriglieri)在《哈佛商業(yè)評論》上寫了一篇文章,回擊Zappos擬扼殺管理角色的舉動。他認為,這樣的結果是“人們工作更努力,同時一旦所有人都行使控制權、而非只是老板,控制將變得無處不在。問題必須被解決,而不是分派出去。”

  In research published in 2001, Prof Huy identified middle managers as key to organisational change. They often have good entrepreneurial ideas that they are able and willing to realise — if they can get a hearing. Second, they are far better than most senior executives at leveraging informal networks at companies and can sustain the momentum of the organisation. Finally, they ward off inertia or chaos.











